martes, 9 de diciembre de 2014

Leak sobre un posible maratón de invierno sacado de FOR THE RECORD...

Bien, en su día ya tuvimos una maratón de este estilo cuyo premio era un tanque premium (Sinceramente no recuerdo si fue el TOG o el IS-6). Se trataba de conseguir 50.000 puntos de experiencia con cada nación teniendo una limitación de tiempo y de tiers lo cual hacía un total de 350.000 puntos. Pues nada, han dejado caer en la web "For the Record" que es posible que estas navidades tengamos algo así siendo como premio el T-34-85M.

También comentan que es posible que en el servidor ruso se puedan llevar un tanque que, a día de hoy, es exclusivo del servidor chino, el WZ-111 o incluso tal vez el M56 Scorpion, ambos de tier 8 (Si no me equivoco).

Según dejan caer en el leak cabe la posibilidad (O mas bien la esperanza) que esa diferencia de tier la equilibren de algún modo (De darse tal hecho) con el regalo de navidad... Ya veremos. Os dejo a continuación un copia/pega del texto original en inglés y un enlace al mismo.

T-34-85M Mission a Placeholder?

Hello everyone,
so, about the leaked missions for December. Earlier, it was announced that between 24.12. and 15.1. or so, a “marathon” would take place on EU server. Okay, that’s nice, I thought. But then, Evilly, WoT producer on RU server, announced that the Russians would have a different vehicle – something “that was available until now only on Chinese server”. He also added that it’s possible that the T-34-85M will be sold in the premium shop (on RU server, anyway).
Basically, looking at the Chinese server offers, Russian community came up only with 2 candidates: first, the WZ-111 heavy tank (first Chinese vehicle to be introduced in the game, really, REALLY old stuff). Or… M56 Scorpion, which is sold on Chinese server as we speak. Both are tier 8′s. At that point, I told Evilly that if we (Europeans) get a tier 6 and the Russians get tier 8, there will be butthurt on forums (well, I mean, there might be, but honestly, how many people can really complete the hardcore grind, right?). He replied that “everything’s gonna be fine :)”
Well – that leads me to think, maybe the leaked version of missions contains placeholders, I mean – WG EU had to know they would get leaked, as they did months before. Maybe we will have a nice Christmas surprise and instead of… let’s say good, but lackluster T-34 clone, we’ll get a chance to win the WZ or the Scorpion :)
That would be awesome. Not holding my breath, but it would.

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