jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013


Después de haber buscado decenas de imágenes de Miku para hacer la skin del Type 62 fueron tantas y tan buenas que el chino me supo a poco de modo que me he comprado el nuevo tanque, el primer tanque 100% japo del juego (Sin contar el Chi-Ha de la rama china, claro) y le he plantado otra piel de la señorita del pelo azul ^^. Esta vez, para el vídeo he tenido la asistencia (Y también algún consejo mientras hacía la propia skin ^^) de un fan que me crucé unos días antes y me reconoció (Aún me da vergüenza... >_<), Asphroxia. Sin mas, aquí la tenéis ^o^.

Si os interesa dirigíos a la sección de SKINS.

8 comentarios:

  1. Hi Dadu. First and foremost, I'm sorry for posting this here and in English. I just don't know where else I could post it and English is the only foreign language I know. I have a little problem since the 8.9 update: I can't use the hangar mods similar to the one made by TaLLIePO (you know about it ,right ?). When I use the mod, the game crash right away when I press the start button (it won't show even the log in screen !) I was wondering if you have any solution to this problem since you seem pretty knowledgeable about modifying WoT. I hope I'm not annoying you, but I seriously don't know what else to do and the idea of using the basic hangar (or premium hangar with the help of a mod I found) is not very ... nice for me, not when I have used anime hangar skin for such a long time.
    I will appreciate it very much if you can help me out. Thank you in advance !

    1. Îts ok about posting here and its ok if its in english if you dont know spanish so relax xD. About Talliepo´s hangar problem try to delete "spaces" folder (Talliepo´s hangars has several folders as "content", "particles", etc... the one calles "spaces" must be deleted untill Talliepo makes a fix for it. You will notice that the white haired Vocaloid used to have a 3D star spinning on it hand, now it will be missining but almost the rest of hangar will work fine ^^.

    2. I can't tell whether it worked or not because the hangar is in its Halloween form. But since I logged into the game successfully, I think it work ! Thank you very much for your help Dadu.
      I forgot to mention, I asked you about a problem concerning your GuP hangar mod before, it lead to you telling me to just call you Dadu (like your friends do) so I'm calling you like this now, I hope you don't mind.

    3. Thats OK, all my WoT friends call me that way so unless you do something bad to mee you can feel free on calling me that way XD

    4. Hello Dadu, it's me again. The Halloween special is over and now the Halloween is gone. It reveal a terrible fact for me to see: The hamgar mod made by TaLLIePO doesn't work and the ones similar to it don't work either...
      I messed around a bit, then it worked ! I used this mod :http://mirtankov.net/hangars/10306-iz-bazovogo-angara-premiumnui.html then I copied TaLLIePO's hangar mod (except the "space" folder) into the mod directory. When I logged in, it worked ! As you said the 3D star is nowhere to be seen but guess that's fine.
      Thank you again for your help, good bye !

  2. Donde puedo obtenerlo? Los links del video estan rotos

  3. Le skin ne fonctionne pas chez moi est ce qu'il et encore d'actualité ?
